Part id Part Number due to be Ordered QTY Supplier
PO Number Pro Number Part # Ordered PL Ship Number

Purchase Orders History

PO Date Sup Ordered Recieved ProFo Ship control_id
21873 2019-07-24 2SC3263 36 36 224559
21648 2019-04-18 2SC3263 0 0
20759 2018-03-09 2SC3263 12 12 191065
20412 2017-10-03 2SC3263 7 7 40Y 179629
19920 2017-01-06 2SC3263 10 10 40 Y 157475
19867 2016-12-01 2SC3263 1 1 40 Y 154121
19573 2016-05-13 2SC3263 10 10 13 Y 0000138976
18419 2014-07-21 2SC3263 5 5 13 Y 0000087748
18356 2014-06-18 2SC3263 10 10 13 Y 0000085565
17994 2013-12-06 2SC3263 4 4 13 Y 67710
17320 0000-00-00 2SC3263 -3 -3 stock adjustment
17709 2013-07-05 2SC3263 10 10 13 Y 0000050835
17262 2012-11-13 2SC3263 7 7 13 Y 21021
16698 2012-02-14 2SC3263 10 10 98766
15744 2010-10-06 2SC3263 10 10 90 Y 96966
15550 2010-07-14 2SC3263 10 10 90 Y letter in circles 96356
14707 2009-08-05 2SC3263 5 5 37 O 94669
14210 2009-02-02 2SC3263 7 7 84Y
12860 2007-07-03 2SC3263 10 10 844
12684 2007-04-13 2SC3263 7 7 84Y
12370 2006-11-01 2SC3263 7 7 4g
12352 2006-10-25 2SC3263 4 4 4G
11839 2006-01-31 2SC3263 7 7 4G
1 2002-05-03 2SC3263 4 4 stock adjustment
10784 2003-11-25 2SC3263 10 10 2D Y
200 200

PO Number Pro Number Part # Ordered PL Ship Number