Part id Part Number due to be Ordered QTY Supplier
PO Number Pro Number Part # Ordered PL Ship Number

Purchase Orders History

PO Date Sup Ordered Recieved ProFo Ship control_id
23656 2022-03-14 1610-P 5 5
22650 2020-11-16 1610-P 0 0 62148-02
22428 2020-06-29 1610-P 1 1 0.0000 50626-01
22328 2020-04-07 1610-P 6 6 0.0000
21725 2019-05-15 1610-P 3 3 23004
21671 2019-04-26 1610-P 1 1 21985
21474 2019-02-18 1610-P 2 2 17994
21371 2019-01-11 1610-P 2 2 14778
21087 2018-08-13 1610-P 4 4 05198
21021 2018-07-03 1610-P 2 2 02902
20930 2018-05-29 1610-P 1 1 00619
20366 2017-09-12 1610-P 3 3 81370
20230 2017-07-18 1610-P 6 6 77510
20029 2017-03-19 1610-P 2 2 68583
19936 2017-01-17 1610-P 3 3 63974
19785 2016-10-03 1610-P 2 2 57159
19640 2016-07-01 1610-P 4 4 50042
19466 2016-03-04 1610-P 3 3 40995
18880 2015-04-01 1610-P 2 2 14895
18609 2014-10-31 1610-P 2 2 89624
18160 2014-03-06 1610-P 2 2 51029
18118 2014-02-18 1610-P 2 2 48843
17490 2013-03-13 1610-P 3 3 97011
17320 0000-00-00 1610-P -5 -5 stock adjustment
13140 2007-10-15 1610-P 24 24
10994 2004-05-19 1610-P 12 12
92 92

PO Number Pro Number Part # Ordered PL Ship Number