Part id Part Number due to be Ordered QTY Supplier
PO Number Pro Number Part # Ordered PL Ship Number

Purchase Orders History

PO Date Sup Ordered Recieved ProFo Ship control_id
22934 2021-03-18 COMP-4D-HRB 2 2 0.0000
21563 2019-03-19 COMP-4D-HRB 4 4 148973
21378 2019-01-15 COMP-4D-HRB 2 2 148311
21271 2018-11-27 COMP-4D-HRB 0 0
20670 2018-02-07 COMP-4D-HRB 3 3 144039
19734 2016-08-31 COMP-4D-HRB 2 2 118873
17320 0000-00-00 COMP-4D-HRB 2 2 stock adjustment
18841 2015-03-18 COMP-4D-HRB 2 2 109299
18179 2014-03-14 COMP-4D-HRB 5 5 102948
18076 2014-01-30 COMP-4D-HRB 5 5 102095
16738 2012-03-07 COMP-4D-HRB 10 10 46775
17320 0000-00-00 COMP-4D-HRB 3 3 stock adjustment
15786 2010-10-23 COMP-4D-HRB 12 12 39107
15498 2010-06-22 COMP-4D-HRB 8 8 36844
15095 2009-12-29 COMP-4D-HRB 12 12 33855
14841 2009-09-22 COMP-4D-HRB 12 12 32128
14721 2009-08-11 COMP-4D-HRB 10 10 31269
94 94

PO Number Pro Number Part # Ordered PL Ship Number