Part id Part Number due to be Ordered QTY Supplier
PO Number Pro Number Part # Ordered PL Ship Number

Purchase Orders History

PO Date Sup Ordered Recieved ProFo Ship control_id
24624 2023-08-08 .40MH AC18 10 10 0
22421 2020-06-23 .40MH AC18 5 5 0.0000 S01564745
21422 2019-02-04 .40MH AC18 5 5 SO1146723
20904 2018-05-16 .40MH AC18 16 16 SO930708
20437 2017-10-18 .40MH AC18 5 5 INV184420
19451 2016-02-23 .40MH AC18 6 6 SO214473
19202 2015-09-17 .40MH AC18 5 5 8951525
18842 2015-03-18 .40MH AC18 5 5 2211418
18673 2014-12-11 .40MH AC18 5 5 2102838
17549 2013-04-10 .40MH AC18 10 10 7188338
17393 2013-01-22 .40MH AC18 10 10 1439666
17320 0000-00-00 .40MH AC18 -9 -9 stock adjustment
17275 2012-11-16 .40MH AC18 5 5 1365261
16117 2011-04-05 .40MH AC18 20 20
15934 2011-01-18 .40MH AC18 15 15 3029533
15183 2010-02-09 .40MH AC18 15 15 2667489
14922 2009-10-21 .40MH 15 15 2547572
14229 2009-02-05 .40MH AC18 15 15
13146 2007-10-18 .40MH AC18 15 15
1 2002-05-03 .40MH AC18 34 34 stock adjustment
11222 2004-11-16 .40MH AC18 30 30
10800 2003-12-12 .40MH AC18 30 30
10310 2002-12-27 .40MH AC18 42 42
309 309

PO Number Pro Number Part # Ordered PL Ship Number